Top 10 Low- or No-Cost Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint8/2019 - The energy we use, the transportation choices we make, the food we eat, the jobs we do, and the vacations we choose - everything has an impact. But the right, small change to almost anything you do will make a difference.
Grant Opportunity for Energy Assessments8/2019 - Building owners with fewer than 500 employees can access funding for energy assessments. But hurry; the application window closes at the end of September.
How to Know if an Electric Vehicle Makes Sense for You8/2019 - There are lots of good reasons to consider going electric, and just a few factors to consider before assuming that an EV is right for you.
Toronto’s 44 per cent reduction – why the sudden drop?7/2019 - Digging into the recent TransformTO implementation update.
Inequities in climate change7/2019 - People who belong to equity-seeking groups are disproportionally impacted by the environmental, economic and social burdens linked to climate change.
15 Innovative Energy Efficiency Options7/2019 - Energy efficiency is the best way to save energy and money at home, while making your living or work space more comfortable and cutting your carbon footprint.
RFQ: Facilitation Services7/2019 - Design and facilitate a 2.5 day working meeting for Low Carbon Cities Canada.
Toronto Star: Toronto’s climate emissions down 44% from 1990 levels7/2019 - A new report by city staff shows Toronto has surpassed the 2020 goal of a 30 per cent reduction.
Toronto Star: Eliminating fuel efficiency standards would be an uber mistake for Toronto City Council7/2019 - Opinion piece from our VP of policy and programs, Bryan Purcell.
Governments are finally calling climate change what it is: an emergency7/2019 - Since I learned about climate change years ago, I understood it as an urgent issue. Now more than ever, people around the world share that same sentiment.
No-cost carbon reductions7/2019 - Everyone wants to get something for nothing. With a retrofit, you can.