Achieving bold reductions in transportation-related carbon emissions10/2019 - Funded by a grant from TAF and the City of Toronto, our research group set out to create an on-road emission inventory using traffic count data.
TAF’s review of Toronto’s climate emergency declaration10/2019 - Achieving carbon neutrality will require leaving no stone unturned, no building un-retrofitted, and no emission reduction opportunity ignored.
Strategy for School Boards to Save Energy and Money9/2019 - Students, parents of students, friends of students, take note: school boards can be an important actor in mitigating climate damage.
Wanted: candidates for TAF Board9/2019 - The TAF Board has a vacancy for a non-Toronto resident of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) .
Top 10 Low- or No-Cost Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint8/2019 - The energy we use, the transportation choices we make, the food we eat, the jobs we do, and the vacations we choose - everything has an impact. But the right, small change to almost anything you do will make a difference.
Grant Opportunity for Energy Assessments8/2019 - Building owners with fewer than 500 employees can access funding for energy assessments. But hurry; the application window closes at the end of September.
How to Know if an Electric Vehicle Makes Sense for You8/2019 - There are lots of good reasons to consider going electric, and just a few factors to consider before assuming that an EV is right for you.
Toronto’s 44 per cent reduction – why the sudden drop?7/2019 - Digging into the recent TransformTO implementation update.
Inequities in climate change7/2019 - People who belong to equity-seeking groups are disproportionally impacted by the environmental, economic and social burdens linked to climate change.
15 Innovative Energy Efficiency Options7/2019 - Energy efficiency is the best way to save energy and money at home, while making your living or work space more comfortable and cutting your carbon footprint.
Governments are finally calling climate change what it is: an emergency7/2019 - Since I learned about climate change years ago, I understood it as an urgent issue. Now more than ever, people around the world share that same sentiment.