Meeting People Where They Are10/2019 - Emmay Mah describes how a TAF grant helped understand how community hubs can create wider engagement with climate solutions.
Achieving bold reductions in transportation-related carbon emissions10/2019 - Funded by a grant from TAF and the City of Toronto, our research group set out to create an on-road emission inventory using traffic count data.
TAF’s review of Toronto’s climate emergency declaration10/2019 - Achieving carbon neutrality will require leaving no stone unturned, no building un-retrofitted, and no emission reduction opportunity ignored.
Strategy for School Boards to Save Energy and Money9/2019 - Students, parents of students, friends of students, take note: school boards can be an important actor in mitigating climate damage.
Wanted: candidates for TAF Board9/2019 - The TAF Board has a vacancy for a non-Toronto resident of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) .
Top 10 Low- or No-Cost Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint8/2019 - The energy we use, the transportation choices we make, the food we eat, the jobs we do, and the vacations we choose - everything has an impact. But the right, small change to almost anything you do will make a difference.
Grant Opportunity for Energy Assessments8/2019 - Building owners with fewer than 500 employees can access funding for energy assessments. But hurry; the application window closes at the end of September.
How to Know if an Electric Vehicle Makes Sense for You8/2019 - There are lots of good reasons to consider going electric, and just a few factors to consider before assuming that an EV is right for you.
Toronto’s 44 per cent reduction – why the sudden drop?7/2019 - Digging into the recent TransformTO implementation update.
Inequities in climate change7/2019 - People who belong to equity-seeking groups are disproportionally impacted by the environmental, economic and social burdens linked to climate change.
15 Innovative Energy Efficiency Options7/2019 - Energy efficiency is the best way to save energy and money at home, while making your living or work space more comfortable and cutting your carbon footprint.