Home heating and hot water savings from midrise apartment retrofit

Building Details
Old System: electric baseboard radiators, two-stage atmospheric boiler (~630 MBH capacity) feeding into two 180-gallon DHW storage tanks
Location: 445 Eglinton E, Toronto, ON
Building Type: 9-storey multi-residential building
Retrofit Project
New System: Innova 2.0 heat pump, Vicot gas absorption heat pump
Bondi Energy, HOMY
Create a mock installation to test new technologies. Understanding sequencing and interaction of trades, and troubleshooting issues without disrupting residents prior to a full building rollout improves results and resident satisfaction.
Enable cooling to increase resident comfort and satisfaction, reduce peak demand, and protect against health impacts of extreme heat.
Lengthen cycle times and reduce return temperatures to allow GAHP to reach maximal steady-state efficiency. Increase the deadband of the GAHP controller to keep it on for longer periods, installing the heat exchanger in a counterflow configuration to promote better heat transfer (and likely reduce the temperatures in the GAHP glycol loop). And, add more intelligent control to the recirculation loop such that it is not unnecessarily mixing hot water with the cold city water prior to the GAHP heat exchanger.
TAF’s Retrofit Accelerator puts ideas into action.
We provide expert services to deliver deep energy retrofits in the multi-family building sector in the GTHA.
We collaborate with building owners, utilities, governments, residents and other stakeholders to maximize the health, social, environmental, and economic outcomes of retrofits.