Picture2050: Today’s photos can show us our future city1/2018 - To create something, you must first be able to picture it. Such visions often sprout from a seed that already exists; something you would like to see grow and expand to reach its potential. This is very much the idea behind the current #Picture2050 photo contest that's inspired by the TransformTO climate plan for Toronto.
From Germany to Canada: There’s no way around the transport transformation12/2017 - The auto industry faces the largest transformation of its history as the future of the internal combustion engine, private ownership of cars, and even driving itself as an expression of individuality are all in question. Car makers in Germany and Canada need to face these simultaneous challenges or risk losing out, guest blogger Christian Hochfeld writes.
COMPASS: Better buildings through streamlined energy reporting and benchmarking10/2017 - Energy modelling helps gauge and improve a building’s energy performance before it’s actually built. TAF recently supported the development of a new tool that will help compare and share such energy modelling data across Ontario.
Net-Zero Toronto Laneway Housing Concept Wins International Design Competition9/2017 - Climate innovation made in Toronto: Students from Ryerson University and the University of Toronto recently took the grand prize at the U.S. Department of Energy’s fourth annual Race to Zero Design Competition — with a design for a net-zero laneway house.