Generation Energy report shows path to Canada’s low-carbon future6/2018 - How should Canada transition to a low-carbon economy within a generation? 14 thought leaders from across Canada, including TAF CEO Julia Langer, authored the Generation Energy report to the federal government that maps out four critical pathways.
TransformTO funding approved: And the race begins3/2018 - Every journey begins with a first step, and thanks to Toronto City Council, we’ve embarked on the journey to turn the TransformTO climate plan into reality. What happens next now that the 2018 budget received approval?
Lack of low-carbon commitments: Assessing the climate impact of Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan2/2018 - Ontario's new Long-Term Energy Plan provides a vision for the energy system over the next decade. However, the Plan lacks clear commitments to reducing emissions. Without a strategy towards a low-carbon energy system, Ontario will fall short of the necessary actions to meet provincial or national climate targets.
TransformTO: Full funding is critical for climate action1/2018 - When it comes to meeting Toronto’s climate targets, words are not enough. We need to invest to achieve our goals, starting now. That’s why the Council decision on the TransformTO 2018 operating budget is so important. Read TAF's letter to the City's Budget Committee.
TransformTO Steps: Toronto moves towards Zero Emissions Buildings10/2017 - As Toronto continues to grow quickly, we need to get emissions from new construction under control if we want to reach our 2050 climate target. That’s Council approval for the Toronto Green Standard 3.0 for new buildings is such an important step.