A new City program to help green tech innovators succeed10/2015 - Last week, Toronto City Council passed the Green Market Acceleration Program (GMAP) for a two-year pilot period. Run collaboratively by the Toronto Office of Partnerships and Economic Development and Culture, GMAP will allow local businesses to apply to the City to use city infrastructure for applied research, proving concepts and demonstrating new technologies developed here in Toronto.
Canada’s ex-central banker calls for action on “tragedy of the horizon”10/2015 - When one of the world’s most powerful central bankers gives a speech at an insurance industry event on climate change, you know there has been a sea-change in the attitudes of the financial sector.
Toronto Community Housing retrofits help residents and the climate10/2015 - TAF’s new $4.2 million TowerWise Retrofit Project will finance and implement energy efficiency upgrades in seven Toronto Community Housing buildings across Metro Toronto, Scarborough, Etobicoke, and North York. In addition to expected greenhouse gas reductions of 30%, the project will be complimented by a slew of other benefits.
A critical moment for efficiency finance6/2015 - The energy efficiency sector may face significant hurdles, but the market is quickly maturing as it addresses climate change, energy security concerns, and utility costs. Last week, I joined hundreds of colleagues from the public and private sectors, eager to accelerate investment in efficiency. We convened for the Energy Efficiency Finance Forum (E2F2), hosted by ACEEE in San Francisco.
Follow the leaders – de-carb your money5/2015 - Big funds are acknowledging the risk of carbon-heavy investments - are you?
Launching Efficiency Capital Corp.4/2015 - TAF launches a new energy efficiency finance company, Efficiency Capital Corp.