Ontario Construction Report: Next phase of TowerWise features $9 million energy efficiency models12/2017 - Following the announcement of the new $9-million phase, Ontario Construction Report profiled TAF’s trailblazing TowerWise retrofit program, with new energy and emission targets that align closely with TransformTO.
The Energy Mix: TAF Aims for Deeper Carbon Cuts in Multi-Residential Buildings12/2017 - TAF Low Carbon Buildings Manager Ekaterina Tzekova emphasizes how deep energy retrofits in the new TowerWise phase will result in economic, environmental, and social benefits.
TowerWise: TAF launches new phase of energy retrofit program12/2017 - We spend the vast majority of our time indoors, but we rarely make the connection between our activities and the fact that buildings are a major source of carbon emissions. We need to significantly improve the way existing buildings perform – and we need to do it quickly. TAF is doing just that with the next phase of its TowerWise retrofit program.
Next phase of TowerWise program set to show path to deep building energy efficiency12/2017 - TAF is launching the next phase of its TowerWise retrofit program. It will include four demonstration sites with different building types, demographics, and ownership structures in Toronto and Hamilton, representing the broader multi-residential sector – including social housing.
Energy efficiency 101: Why do an energy retrofit?12/2017 - Operating a building is costly – with energy costs usually being the largest variable expense building operators can influence. An energy efficiency retrofit is the best way to reduce these costs. But there are more benefits, our VP of Impact Investing Tim Stoate explains.
COMPASS: Better buildings through streamlined energy reporting and benchmarking10/2017 - Energy modelling helps gauge and improve a building’s energy performance before it’s actually built. TAF recently supported the development of a new tool that will help compare and share such energy modelling data across Ontario.
TransformTO Steps: Toronto moves towards Zero Emissions Buildings10/2017 - As Toronto continues to grow quickly, we need to get emissions from new construction under control if we want to reach our 2050 climate target. That’s Council approval for the Toronto Green Standard 3.0 for new buildings is such an important step.
No buildings left behind: A near-zero emissions future for Canada’s existing buildings10/2017 - Canada has to include existing buildings in its transition to a low-carbon future. Research from The Atmospheric Fund and the Pembina Institute outlines a comprehensive national strategy to make our existing building stock energy efficient.
Net-Zero Toronto Laneway Housing Concept Wins International Design Competition9/2017 - Climate innovation made in Toronto: Students from Ryerson University and the University of Toronto recently took the grand prize at the U.S. Department of Energy’s fourth annual Race to Zero Design Competition — with a design for a net-zero laneway house.
Canada’s existing buildings hold key to climate targets8/2017 - Governments at all levels in Canada are moving toward requiring new buildings to be low-carbon and energy-efficient. But Canada still lacks a comprehensive strategy to achieve significant reductions in carbon emissions from existing buildings. Read the joint media release by Pembina Institute and The Atmospheric Fund.
TAF launches new Building Energy Efficiency Policy Calculator5/2017 - Cities across Canada want to bring down carbon emissions from buildings. But what's the right policy mix to increase energy efficiency? The Building Energy Efficiency Policy Calculator (BEE-Cal for short) gives municipal planners a nifty tool for policy planning around energy efficiency.