TAF rolls out new Low Carbon Cannabis Canada initiative4/2018 - To counter the risk of rising carbon emissions from legalized marijuana cultivation, TAF plans a joint pan-Canadian initiative with growers, provincial governments, and former police chiefs. The goal is to limit the budding industry's carbon footprint and ultimately ensure that Canadians can get high on low-emissions cannabis.
Sharing climate-friendly ideas: Perspectives from Picture20503/2018 - Led by the Toronto Climate Action Network and sponsored by The Atmospheric Fund, the TransformTO-inspired Picture2050 contest asked residents to imagine Toronto in the year 2050 as a caring and climate-friendly city of the future. The winning photos highlighted public transit and green infrastructure - here's what we learned:
Lack of low-carbon commitments: Assessing the climate impact of Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan2/2018 - Ontario's new Long-Term Energy Plan provides a vision for the energy system over the next decade. However, the Plan lacks clear commitments to reducing emissions. Without a strategy towards a low-carbon energy system, Ontario will fall short of the necessary actions to meet provincial or national climate targets.
The how-to-guide for regional expansion: Opportunities for climate action in the GTHA2/2018 - After a year of research to guide TAF's regional expansion efforts, we present the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction – Action and Opportunity in the GTHA" report. With this guide, we're excited to continue advancing climate action in the region.
ZeroHouse: A made-in-Toronto net zero housing solution1/2018 - How can we reduce emissions from new residential buildings while addressing the housing shortage in the GTHA, especially the gap between high-rises and detached homes? The ZeroHouse, co-developed by Ryerson University students and the Endeavour Centre, shows how to address both issues.
Getting to know the region: Climate action in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area11/2017 - Following our new $17-million endowment from the Province of Ontario, TAF has been actively engaging key stakeholders to better our regional granting process and hear about climate action initiatives throughout the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area (GTHA).
New TAF research reveals carbon impact of electricity conservation8/2017 - Quantifying the emissions impact of electricity consumption - and conservation efforts - is crucial for planning climate actions, whether it's a government policy or upgrades and behaviour shifts at home. TAF's latest research greatly improves such quantifications.
Left in the dark: Ontario municipalities need energy data for meaningful climate action8/2017 - A proper carbon emissions inventory is a crucial starting point for city-level climate action. But unfortunately, many cities in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), don't have gas and electricity consumption data - but utilities do. That's why TAF asked the Ontario government to make this data public.
New Pembina research suggests how to put the brakes on rising freight emissions6/2017 - Carbon emissions from Canada's freight sector are on the rise, especially trucks. A new report lays out policy tools to bring down emissions from a sector that's not on the radar of many policymakers when it comes to climate action.