Greenhouse Gas Reduction – Action and Opportunity in the GTHA1/2018 - January 2018. The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) expanded our mandate to include the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). We asked…
Joint Response to Greater Golden Horseshoe Transportation Plan1/2018 - January 2018. Government of Ontario. Since transportation is the largest contributor to Ontario’s carbon emissions, it is important that the…
Pembina Institute TAF Submission Draft Regional Transportation Plan12/2017 - December 2017. Improving transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) is crucial for the economic success and the…
Media Backgrounder TowerWise Energy Retrofit Program12/2017 - December 2017. Multi-residential buildings represent the backbone of the housing stock in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). That’s…
Money on the table: Why investors miss out on the energy efficiency market12/2017 - November 2017. Energy efficiency retrofits are profitable, yet investment levels are low in Canada. Energy efficiency improvements in buildings represent…
Joint Submission Strengthening the Ontario Building Code9/2017 - September 2017. Government of Ontario. Strengthening the Ontario Building Code is a critical tool for the transition to a cleaner…
Energy Regulations for Existing Buildings8/2017 - August 2017. Government of Canada. Governments at all levels in Canada are working on making new buildings more energy efficient. But…
Getting More Bang for Ontario’s Energy Efficiency Bucks8/2017 - August 2017. Government of Ontario. This brief presents the Minister of Finance with recommendations for how the Ontario Government can achieve…
TransformTO Report 2 Highlights6/2017 - June 2017. These are the highlights of the “2050 Pathway to a Low-Carbon Toronto” City of Toronto staff report #2.”…
TransformTO Modelling Report4/2017 - April 2017. At the heart of the TransformTO climate plan lies a detailed modelling of 36 low-carbon actions to reach…
TransformTO Summary Report Modelling Advisory Group4/2017 - April 2017. City of Toronto. To support the development of the TransformTO climate plan, a diverse group of experts and…