Electric Energy Online: First of its kind geothermal community planned for Berczy-Glen11/2018 - To become a net-zero emissions city by 2050, the City of Markham announces a new geothermal community of approximately 300 homes, in partnership with Mattamy Homes and Enwave Energy Corporation. Grant funding has been provided by TAF for design activities.
Beyond the commute: Three ways that the King Street Pilot creates more liveable communities11/2018 - Data shows an 11% increase in public transit ridership in the downtown core; this increase in ridership indicates that the pilot is working for commuters. But is it working for the rest of the community? Here are the top three ways the King Street Pilot contributes to a more livable downtown.
Health impacts of climate change may be the secret to inspiring action9/2018 - Human health is intimately connected to the environment. That's why we partnered with the Ontario Public Health Association to develop a health-focused communications strategy for climate messaging. Find out more in this guest blog from their Executive Director, Pegeen Walsh.
Developing a Health-Focused Communication Strategy for Climate Messaging9/2018 - September 2018. Human health is intimately connected to the environment. For example, green space has been studied to have beneficial…
Towards net-zero communities: Announcing TAF’s new regional grant recipients8/2018 - In our recent grant intake period, The Atmospheric Fund awarded two new grants to low-carbon projects by the City of Markham and ACORN Institute Canada. TAF has also recruited three new regional practitioners to our Grants and Programs Committee to better represent the new communities we serve.
COMPASS: Game-changing energy benchmarking tool to launch in Fall 20187/2018 - The Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) and RWDI have developed a game-changing energy benchmarking tool, with TAF's support. The Compass tool streamlines energy benchmarking and reporting during the design phase of building development projects. New technology like this will get us closer to our TransformTO goals.
Look no further: Seven climate action funding opportunities in the GTHA7/2018 - The transition to a low-carbon economy requires dedicated funding for a variety of climate initiatives led by municipalities, non-profits, and other stakeholders. Climate change continues to be a top priority for funders and investors. That's why we've created this helpful list of funding opportunities to launch and support low-carbon initiatives across the GTHA.
Truck News: Peel Region begins Off-Peak Delivery pilot7/2018 - The Region of Peel launches the TAF-funded Off-Peak Delivery pilot project with major retailers such as LCBO and Loblaw. Shifting deliveries to off-peak hours can help optimize highways and major road networks within Peel and the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area. This approach could significantly reduce truck-related emissions and improve air quality in the region.
COMPASS: Energy Benchmarking Tool Development Final Report6/2018 - June 2018. Government of Ontario. EnergyCompass.design tool is an energy benchmarking and reporting tool for design-stage building development projects. EnergyCompass.design,…
The how-to-guide for regional expansion: Opportunities for climate action in the GTHA2/2018 - After a year of research to guide TAF's regional expansion efforts, we present the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction – Action and Opportunity in the GTHA" report. With this guide, we're excited to continue advancing climate action in the region.
Getting to know the region: Climate action in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area11/2017 - Following our new $17-million endowment from the Province of Ontario, TAF has been actively engaging key stakeholders to better our regional granting process and hear about climate action initiatives throughout the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area (GTHA).
COMPASS: Better buildings through streamlined energy reporting and benchmarking10/2017 - Energy modelling helps gauge and improve a building’s energy performance before it’s actually built. TAF recently supported the development of a new tool that will help compare and share such energy modelling data across Ontario.