Money on the table: Why investors miss out on the energy efficiency market12/2017 - November 2017. Energy efficiency retrofits are profitable, yet investment levels are low in Canada. Energy efficiency improvements in buildings represent…
Condominium Manager Magazine: Energy Retrofits – Lower Your Operating Costs Through Debt-Free Financing10/2017 - Condominium Manager Magazine: TAF VP Tim Stoate explains how energy savings performance agreements (ESPA) for energy retrofits can help lower operating costs.
Social Venture Development: Insights from the Incubation of Efficiency Capital Corporation6/2017 - June 2017. In 2015, The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) incubated Efficiency Capital Corporation (ECC), a for-profit energy efficiency financing company over…
Financing for energy efficiency retrofits a key Infrastructure Bank opportunity3/2017 - The nascent Canadian Infrastructure Bank is a golden opportunity to invest in energy efficiency on a large scale. By scaling up retrofits and reducing energy waste across Canada, the CIB would yield a financial and environmental Return on Investment.
TAF Submission Ontario Green Bank1/2017 - January 2017. Government of Ontario. A longstanding objective of TAF has been to help with the creation of Canada’s first…
TAF Guide Energy Efficiency Financing Tools1/2017 - March 2017. Financing tools that help building operators overcome the upfront cost retrofits are critical to help accelerate energy efficiency…
TAF financing facilitates better-than-code Windmill Developments Condo11/2015 - The recently completed Cathedral Hill condo and townhouse project by Windmill Development Group is 43 per cent more energy efficient than the Ontario Building Code. This was made possible by innovative financing provided by The Atmospheric Fund (TAF).
Energy retrofits become an investment vehicle6/2015 - Energy savings has suddenly become a commodity that investors believe is a hot market with money to be made.
ESPA Brochure1/2015 - January 2015. To make it easier for building operators to access capital for energy efficiency retrofits, TAF created an innovative,…