Collective Impact in Motion1/2016 - September 2016. This report by Evergreen and TAF describes the creation and work of a collective impact group, using Move…
TAF FleetWise EV300 Report1/2015 - Janaury 2015. Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. The final FleetWise report documents findings from the electric vehicle (EV) usage in…
FleetCarma FleetWise EV300 Project Report1/2013 - January 2013. FleetCarma, a division of CrossChasm Technologies, partnered with TAF for FleetWise EV300 project to lay the groundwork for…
It’s time for action on public transit3/2014 - On the heels of new research by the Pembina Institute, Move the GTHA is putting pressure on regional politicians to make clear commitments to fund public transit. Instead of vague statements, residents across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area deserve concrete funding plans to reduce congestion and air pollution.
Politicians to tackle traffic woes4/2014 - Aa majority of residents in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) say they are more likely to vote for politicians who support new, dedicated dollars to get us moving. The good news: politicians from across the region have taken a pledge to just that in office. CivicAction and Move the GTHA, of which TAF is a member, present the survey and pledge results in this news release.
Public support growing for investment in transportation infrastructure4/2014 - Move the GTHA, a coalition of organizations from across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area that includes TAF, has published a new survey. The result: residents across the region overwhelmingly want politicians to invest more in transportation infrastructure to reduce gridlock.