Hey Toronto, say YES to greener buildings
The City of Toronto’s Planning and Housing Committee is about to vote on the adoption of the Toronto Green Standard Version 4 on June 28, 2021. See agenda item for PH25.17 TGS. Read our recommendations.
This policy will advance TransformTO and other City strategies, contribute to economic prosperity, environmental health, cultural vibrancy and social well-being. The proposed update follows the pathway laid out in the City’s Zero Emissions Building Framework following extensive consultation with stakeholders and is expected to reduce Toronto’s cumulative carbon emissions by 1.2 million tonnes by 2050.
Tell committee members, copying your councillor, that you support Toronto’s leadership in creating healthy, green buildings for all.
Email sample:
To: phc@toronto.ca
CC: Your Councillor [Find your councillor]
Subject line: PH25.17 TGS update
Dear Toronto Planning and Housing Committee:
Buildings are responsible for 59% of Toronto’s carbon emissions. As our population grows, it is crucial to get emissions from new construction under control.
TransformTO’s Pathway to a Low-Carbon Future identifies that 100% of new buildings must be built to near-zero emissions by 2030. The adoption of leading Green Development Standards is the most powerful climate action we can take to curb increasing emissions.
The proposed updates in Toronto Green Standard Version 4 will advance TransformTO and other City strategies, contribute to economic prosperity, environmental health, cultural vibrancy and social well-being. New buildings approved today will be part of our city for the next century. Building healthy, resilient, efficient buildings now is far more cost effective than retrofitting them down the road.
I/we strongly support the adoption of the Toronto Green Standard Version 4 and request the City move forward with stronger incentives for projects that meet the ambitious tier 2 and 3 requirements.
[Your Organization / Your Name / Address]