Passive House developing buildings exchange plan for GTHA6/2020 - DAILY COMMERCIAL NEWS - The concept for businesses and municipalities in the GTHA is being funded with a $40,000 grant from TAF
What is plan for clean energy when Pickering nuclear plant closes?3/2020 - TORONTO STAR - This TAF-funded reported proposes how to fill the post-Pickering gap with clean electricity solutions by 2025.
Exciting news: Toronto’s carbon emissions are declining. What does it mean?2/2019 - Toronto’s greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory shows how Toronto measures up compared to its goal of reducing carbon emissions 80% by 2050. Learn more about these significant results and emerging trends from the inventory and how the TransformTO plan is working to address the challenges in TAF’s summary report here.
Fall Economic Statement has benefits for urban climate action11/2018 - New tax incentives from the federal government's Fall Economic Statement show promise for climate action. Plus, a national Social Finance Fund. Here's our summary on the TAF blog.