Setting the stage for an electric mobility strategy for Toronto5/2019 - The City of Toronto has just completed the Assessment Phase of its Electric Mobility Strategy. Here are some highlights.
Boiler Replacement that Achieves up to 136% Gas Heating Efficiency4/2019 - To generate substantial reductions for both cost and carbon you need a technology, and an application, that can save a huge amount of gas. That’s how STEP got interested in gas absorption heat pumps.
Heat Pumps Reduce Energy Consumption up to 32% in Retrofits2/2019 - Guest blog by Erik Janssen, Analyst, at Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP), Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)
Partnership Brokering Training – What Does it Offer from the Funder Perspective?2/2019 - "Given a prevailing aspiration towards deep, systemic shifts to improve social, environmental, cultural and economic conditions, our sights are ultimately set on partnerships that deliver transformative change versus simply transactional or adaptive improvements." Guest blog by Rebecca Aird from the Ottawa Community Foundation.
Health impacts of climate change may be the secret to inspiring action9/2018 - Human health is intimately connected to the environment. That's why we partnered with the Ontario Public Health Association to develop a health-focused communications strategy for climate messaging. Find out more in this guest blog from their Executive Director, Pegeen Walsh.
COMPASS: Game-changing energy benchmarking tool to launch in Fall 20187/2018 - The Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) and RWDI have developed a game-changing energy benchmarking tool, with TAF's support. The Compass tool streamlines energy benchmarking and reporting during the design phase of building development projects. New technology like this will get us closer to our TransformTO goals.
Energy efficiency leads to job and GDP growth in Canada, new research shows6/2018 - Investments in energy-efficient buildings result in more local jobs and economic growth across Canada. From retrofits to housing renewal in Indigenous communities, energy efficiency can strengthen our economy and get us closer to a low-carbon future. Read our guest blog by Corey Diamond of Efficiency Canada.
Building bridges for climate action: Reflections on Partnership Brokers Training5/2018 - Complex challenges, such as climate change, require strong, trust-based collaboration within and across all sectors. Check out this guest blog from John Kenney, Natural Resources Canada, to find out how a partnership brokering training course can help you build lasting partnerships and succeed in your collective goals.
Mobility as a service: The value proposition for the public and our urban systems5/2018 - The future of urban transportation: Mobility as a Service can offer major benefits for cities, including reducing congestion and improving the economics and flexibility of—and accessibility to—existing transit services. Learn more about the potential impacts of Mobility as a Service in the GTHA in our guest blog by MaRS.
Heat pumps: Hybrid dual fuel option offers viable pathway to electrification4/2018 - Since buildings and homes account for almost a quarter of the province’s carbon emissions, we need innovative low-carbon heating solutions. A new study by MaRS Advanced Energy Center and Enbridge demonstrates that a smart, hybrid dual fuel option offers a viable pathway to electrification for home heating in Ontario.
Collective impact: Improving public transit in Hamilton4/2018 - Improved and expanded public transit is a clear solution for a more sustainable, equitable, and healthy city. Environment Hamilton wants to encourage modal shift to reduce transportation-related emissions – but Hamilton's public transportation system must first be safe, accessible, affordable, and reliable. Learn more about Hamilton transit in this guest blog by Ian Borsuk.
Despite setbacks in the U.S., global green investments soar in 20172/2018 - While the U.S. federal government stepped back on climate change leadership, the rest of the world held steadfast on the shift towards a low-carbon economy. Clean technologies such as electric vehicles and renewable energy are competing well, outperforming most other sectors. Nothing trumps good economics - and the future looks bright for green investments.