Breaking ground on a climate-friendly way to heat and cool homes in Toronto7/2022 - TVO -“It’s really critical that we get all new developments to net-zero or near-zero as soon as possible. Low-carbon district energy is one way to address that challenge,” says Bryan Purcell.
Climate and affordability depend on these essential building code updates3/2022 - Ontario’s building code is only updated every five to seven years, so we can’t afford to miss this opportunity to reduce carbon emissions by building better buildings that are cleaner and more affordable to operate. Read our recommendations to align it with an affordable, net zero future.
Three key climate measures for Toronto’s 2022 budget2/2022 - Council will vote on the City Budget this Thursday: what do we want to see most? To continue its role as a climate leader, Toronto needs to shift to implementation in top three climate priority areas: Climate Lens Policy, electrification of public bus fleets, and green development standards.
Hybrid heat pumps can be a stopgap to an electric future2/2022 - New case studies show the promise of hybrid heat pumps in the GTHA, and Erik Jansen of TRCA explores the upsides and downsides of the technology.
How To Heat Your Home Without Heating The Planet11/2021 - CHATELAINE - CEO Julia Langer discusses practical and inspiring reasons to make the switch to heat pumps. "It's not that complicated - you don’t need fossil fuels to heat your home."
Putting out the fire: How to cleanly heat a cold country that’s hooked on natural gas11/2021 - CORPORATE KNIGHTS - Without strong policy signals, utilities continue to invest millions annually in expanding and renewing gas distribution infrastructure, compounding the risk of stranded assets and financial disruptions.
YWCA Hamilton raises the bar to build amazing affordable housing11/2021 - New YWCA building in Hamilton shows what’s possible when resident health, comfort, and the climate are put first. We interviewed key players from the design and project teams and took a tour of the facilities. Take a peek to find out how they did it.
Ontario’s repeated failure to produce a natural gas conservation plan9/2021 - The Ontario Energy Board delayed approving a new natural gas conservation plan, extended the old framework to 2022, and froze the budget without even adjusting for inflation. Real investment in gas conservation shrinks, even while diverse voices make a case for increasing investment in cost-effective conservation.
Four ways the federal budget should boost the retrofit market2/2021 - With Canada’s 2021 budget just around the corner, cue TAF’s refrain that investment in deep retrofits will hit the mark local job creation, carbon reduction, and numerous positive social outcomes.
Beyond financing: how workforce capacity can support big investments10/2020 - As we seek to “build back better,” even capital markets have a role to play by investing in a fair, responsible recovery.
Will Whitby approve a green development standard? Here’s why it matters7/2020 - Whitby declared a climate emergency almost exactly one year ago; this fall’s decision on the WGS will be the first litmus test of the Town’s commitment.
Deep Retrofit Diary: Construction re-starts6/2020 - The new normal of spending more time at home underscores the importance of this deep retrofit project for the families who live there.