Dear election candidates: Climate action means working across issues and regional lines10/2022 - To handle the complex and intersectional issues that face our region, hopeful new leaders will need to follow the carbon and collaborate.
Fugitive methane emissions in Ontario are double the reported rate5/2022 - There is growing consensus that ‘fugitive methane’ (gas leakage that occurs during the extraction and transmission of fossil fuels) is drastically underestimated -- but by how much? A new TAF report provides updated guidelines to account for the full life cycle emissions of natural gas, badly needed as we face crucial infrastructure decisions in Ontario.
Canada’s municipalities push for health-based climate action1/2021 - THE LANCET - Canada’s cities are leading the efforts to stem the harmful effects of the climate emergency on human health.
What does Canada’s new $15 billion plan mean for urban climate action?12/2020 - Canada’s new climate plan is historic because it is the first to follow the science and chart a clear path to the 2030 target.
The uncomfortable path to climate action scale-up10/2020 - With less than a decade left to stem the worst global climate impacts, we need to think critically about getting proven climate actions to scale...