Crunching the numbers: Financial analysis on boiler replacement11/2018 - What if we told you that even though your boiler has two years left of life, now is the right time to replace it? Tim Stoate, TAF VP of Impact Investing, crunches the numbers and provides a financial analysis for costing energy efficiency measures like a boiler replacement.
Lowdown on the New Federal Carbon Pricing System10/2018 - How will the federal price on pollution impact Ontario? Here's our lowdown on the latest climate policy announcement.
COMPASS: Game-changing energy benchmarking tool to launch in Fall 20187/2018 - The Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) and RWDI have developed a game-changing energy benchmarking tool, with TAF's support. The Compass tool streamlines energy benchmarking and reporting during the design phase of building development projects. New technology like this will get us closer to our TransformTO goals.
Energy efficiency leads to job and GDP growth in Canada, new research shows6/2018 - Investments in energy-efficient buildings result in more local jobs and economic growth across Canada. From retrofits to housing renewal in Indigenous communities, energy efficiency can strengthen our economy and get us closer to a low-carbon future. Read our guest blog by Corey Diamond of Efficiency Canada.
New TowerWise video shows the importance of energy retrofits6/2018 - Buildings are the largest emissions source in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area; that's why our TowerWise program improves the energy efficiency in our buildings. The Atmospheric Fund’s new video shows the importance of energy efficiency and building retrofits to achieve our climate goals - check it out.
Heat pumps: Hybrid dual fuel option offers viable pathway to electrification4/2018 - Since buildings and homes account for almost a quarter of the province’s carbon emissions, we need innovative low-carbon heating solutions. A new study by MaRS Advanced Energy Center and Enbridge demonstrates that a smart, hybrid dual fuel option offers a viable pathway to electrification for home heating in Ontario.
Business Insider: ecobee donates over 700 thermostats to Toronto Community Housing to improve sustainability and resident comfort1/2018 - TAF teamed up with ecobee on the TowerWise program to improve resident comfort, reduce emissions, and identify best practices in retrofits across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area. The newly installed smart thermostats make intelligent heating and cooling decisions to reduce energy waste and offer real-time insights to identify other opportunities for future improvements.
ZeroHouse: A made-in-Toronto net zero housing solution1/2018 - How can we reduce emissions from new residential buildings while addressing the housing shortage in the GTHA, especially the gap between high-rises and detached homes? The ZeroHouse, co-developed by Ryerson University students and the Endeavour Centre, shows how to address both issues.
COMPASS: Better buildings through streamlined energy reporting and benchmarking10/2017 - Energy modelling helps gauge and improve a building’s energy performance before it’s actually built. TAF recently supported the development of a new tool that will help compare and share such energy modelling data across Ontario.
TransformTO Steps: Toronto moves towards Zero Emissions Buildings10/2017 - As Toronto continues to grow quickly, we need to get emissions from new construction under control if we want to reach our 2050 climate target. That’s Council approval for the Toronto Green Standard 3.0 for new buildings is such an important step.
No buildings left behind: A near-zero emissions future for Canada’s existing buildings10/2017 - Canada has to include existing buildings in its transition to a low-carbon future. Research from The Atmospheric Fund and the Pembina Institute outlines a comprehensive national strategy to make our existing building stock energy efficient.