It was a pleasure to see many of our colleagues and friends at TAF’s Volunteer Appreciation event last night, giving us a chance to formally acknowledge the invaluable contributions our volunteers make to TAF’s mandate. The sky-high embrace of KPMG’s offices – special thanks to KPMG Partner and TAF volunteer Andrea Baldwin for hosting – was a great backdrop to this special event.
As many of you know, TAF has just eight core staff, so it is the volunteers on our Board, Investment and Grants Committees and special working groups that really allow TAF to punch above its weight in the carbon-reduction ring. While every volunteer provides critical support and advice, special recognition is due to four dedicated volunteers who have all been supporting TAF’s work for eight years now.
Jane Ambachtscheer was recruited to TAF’s Investment Committee in 2006. Since then she’s been a force for change, leading action related to TAF’s investment beliefs that carbon risk will undermine performance in the long-term, supporting our transition to mandate-aligned fund managers and development of our direct investing portfolio. Jane has also been a tireless networker opening up many connections for TAF in the responsible investing space.
Councillor Shelley Carroll has been a member of TAF’s Board of Directors since 2007, serving as TAF’s Chair and Vice-Chair. She has encouraged us to think big, has been a TAF champion on City Council, and has always emphasized that the ability to cultivate and celebrate A-list volunteers is a source of strength for TAF.
Bryan Young was first involved with TAF as a grantee, leading the development of the Exhibition Place wind turbine installation through TREC Renewable Energy Co-op In the past eight years, Bryan has given back as a hard-working member of the TAF Grants and Programs Committee.
David Wai has also served eight years on TAF’s Board of Directors, both as Treasurer and as Chair of the Investment Committee. Throughout he supported Committee members in evaluating and advancing innovative financing strategies for energy efficiency and provided thoughtful advice as TAF reframed our investment policy to align our portfolio with our mandate.
Thanks to these long-time TAF supporters, and all of our other wonderful, essential volunteers. We couldn’t do it without you.