Natural Gas Efficiency Programs: Making Conservation Profitable for Utilities February 2014. Government of Ontario. Under directions from the Ontario government, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) established a new demand-side…
Energy Reporting Requirement – An Introduction January 2014. City of Toronto. An Energy Reporting Requirement (ERR) is a policy that requires the owners and/or managers of…
FleetCarma FleetWise EV300 Project Report January 2013. FleetCarma, a division of CrossChasm Technologies, partnered with TAF for FleetWise EV300 project to lay the groundwork for…
Backgrounder TGS Energy Standards January 2013. City of Toronto. The Toronto Green Standard (TGS) was created as a voluntary standard in 2006 and made…
Toronto Green Standard: Cost-Benefit Analysis November 2012. City of Toronto. Funded by TAF, Sustainable Buildings Canada examined the costs and benefits associated with strengthening the…
Energy Retrofit Opportunities for Multi‐Unit Residential Buildings in Toronto February 2012. University of Toronto Report Toronto MURB Retrofit Opportunities.
Energy Consumption Trends of Multi-Unit Residential Buildings in Toronto February 2012. City of Toronto. Over half of the residential buildings in the City of Toronto are apartment buildings. This…
Toronto Green Standard: Development of Energy Efficiency Requirements February 2012. City of Toronto. With TAF’s help, the City of Toronto developed the Toronto Green Standard for new construction.…
ClimateSpark Report Social Venture Challenge January 2012. City of Toronto. The ClimateSpark Social Venture Challenge identified and supported a number of social ventures in the…
TowerWise Case Study 849 Broadview February 2011. As with any retrofit, the key to success was in the planning. This 894 Broadview Avenue case study…