Co-investor Sheet1/2020 - January 2020. TAF is a leader in impact investing. We specialize in demonstrating and accelerating the high investment quality of…
Comments on the Ontario government’s proposal to harmonize greenhouse gas reporting requirements12/2019 - December 2019. Government of Ontario. The provincial government is proposing to harmonize greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting requirements with the federal…
Carbon Emissions Inventory for the GTHA12/2019 - December 2019. Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. The foundation of high-impact climate action is a thorough understanding of the major…
Comments on Proposed amendment to reporting of energy consumption and water use12/2019 - December 2019. Government of Ontario. The province’s Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) initiative is one of the most…
Retrofitting Trethewey Tedder Apartments: A TowerWise Case Study11/2019 - November 2019. From 2015-2018, TAF partnered with Toronto Community Housing to undertake energy efficiency retrofits in seven buildings on three…
Retrofitting RJ Smith Apartments: a TowerWise Case Study10/2019 - October 2019. From 2015-2018, TAF partnered with Toronto Community Housing to undertake retrofits in seven buildings on three sites. This…
TAFs Comments on the Motion to Declare a Climate Emergency in Toronto10/2019 - October 2019. City of Toronto. The city’s declaration of a climate emergency will acknowledge the scale of the problem for…
Retrofitting Arleta Manor: a TowerWise Case Study9/2019 - September 2019. From 2015-2018, TAF partnered with Toronto Community Housing to undertake retrofits in seven buildings on three sites. This…
TAF comments on the Clean Fuel Standard proposed regulatory approach8/2019 - August 2019. Government of Canada. Important design details remain for the Clean Fuel Standard (CFS). TAF has made recommendations on…
Comments on the IESO draft Integrated Regional Resource Plan Recommendations7/2019 - July 2019. Government of Ontario. Comments on the Independent Electricity System Operator’s draft Integrated Regional Resource Plan Recommendations for Toronto…
TAF Comments, HousingTO Action Plan, stakeholder consultations6/2019 - July 2019. City of Toronto. Energy efficiency, carbon reduction, and adaptation offer significant opportunities to improve housing affordability while addressing…