Generation Energy Council Report6/2018 - June 2018. Government of Canada. The Generation Energy Council presented its report to Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr on June…
Generation Energy report shows path to Canada’s low-carbon future6/2018 - How should Canada transition to a low-carbon economy within a generation? 14 thought leaders from across Canada, including TAF CEO Julia Langer, authored the Generation Energy report to the federal government that maps out four critical pathways.
TAF comments on Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations6/2018 - June 2018. Government of Canada. Energy efficiency regulations are a key tool to facilitate the transition to clean renewable power…
Joint Letter on Indirect Land Use Change for the Clean Fuel Standard6/2018 - June 2018. Government of Canada. The Atmospheric Fund collaborated with the Pembina Institute, other environmental organizations, and industry partners to…
The Hill Times: The U.S. is leaving the Paris Agreement, Canada’s not. Why follow on weakening car emissions standards?5/2018 - While the United States plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards, Canada must stand up for strong climate actions to reduce emissions. Weaker vehicle standards will make it harder to reach our local, provincial, and national climate goals. In this op-ed published in The Hill Times, TAF CEO Julia Langer explains why.
The U.S. is leaving the Paris Agreement, Canada’s not. Why follow on weakening car emissions standards?5/2018 - Allowing our vehicle emission standards to roll back would harm our climate, our health, and our economy. In this op-ed originally published in The Hill Times, TAF CEO Julia Langer encourages Canada to stand its ground and continue to pave the way for clean transportation, despite U.S. policy decisions.
Joint letter for electrification pathway under the Clean Fuel Standard5/2018 - May 2018. Government of Canada. Electric vehicles are a necessary solution to achieve our emission reduction targets. This joint letter…
TAF comments on the City of Toronto’s Residential Energy Retrofit Program updates5/2018 - May 2018. City of Toronto. Given that buildings are responsible for 53 per cent of Toronto’s carbon emissions, improving building…
Lack of low-carbon commitments: Assessing the climate impact of Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan2/2018 - Ontario's new Long-Term Energy Plan provides a vision for the energy system over the next decade. However, the Plan lacks clear commitments to reducing emissions. Without a strategy towards a low-carbon energy system, Ontario will fall short of the necessary actions to meet provincial or national climate targets.
Joint Submission on Ontario’s Long-Term Infrastructure Plan1/2018 - January 2018. Government of Ontario. Through the Clean Economy Alliance, TAF provided comments to Ontario’s Long-Term Infrastructure Plan to consider…
TAF comments on IESO Draft Scoping Assessment for Toronto Region1/2018 - January 2018. City of Toronto. The IESO provided the opportunity to respond to their Draft Scoping Assessment and Integrated Regional…
TAF & BEIC Response to Green Button Regulatory Proposal1/2018 - January 2018. Government of Ontario. In collaboration with BEIC, TAF provided feedback to the provincial government related to the implementation…