A throne speech worthy of the next generation9/2020 - If we asked a child of the next generation to look back at vintage footage of Canada’s 2020 throne speech, from the era of pandemic and wildfires, what would they need to hear?
Submission on 2021 Pre-Budget Consultation8/2020 - August 2021. Government of Canada. TAF submitted four recommendations to the federal government as part of the 2021 Pre-Budget Consultation.…
Will Whitby approve a green development standard? Here’s why it matters7/2020 - Whitby declared a climate emergency almost exactly one year ago; this fall’s decision on the WGS will be the first litmus test of the Town’s commitment.
Comments on proposed Whitby Green Standard6/2020 - May 2020. Town of Whitby. Public consultation on the new Whitby Green Standard took place in May 2020. TAF strongly…
An open letter from Canada’s clean energy sector4/2020 - April 2020. Government of Canada. Alongside leaders in Canada’s clean energy sector, we sent a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau…
On the path to recovery: how to “lock in” climate solutions3/2020 - Achieving carbon neutrality will require leaving no stone unturned, no building un-retrofitted, and no emission reduction opportunity ignored.
Comments on Canada’s 2020 Pre-Budget Consultations3/2020 - March 2020. Government of Canada. The government’s Pre-Budget Consultations provided an opportunity to submit comments to be considered in the…
Comments on Ontario’s 2020 Budget Consultations2/2020 - February 2020. Government of Ontario. The province’s Budget Consultations provided an opportunity to submit feedback on the 2020 Budget. We…
Comments on the Ontario government’s proposal to harmonize greenhouse gas reporting requirements12/2019 - December 2019. Government of Ontario. The provincial government is proposing to harmonize greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting requirements with the federal…
Comments on Proposed amendment to reporting of energy consumption and water use12/2019 - December 2019. Government of Ontario. The province’s Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) initiative is one of the most…
TAF’s review of Toronto’s climate emergency declaration10/2019 - Achieving carbon neutrality will require leaving no stone unturned, no building un-retrofitted, and no emission reduction opportunity ignored.
TAFs Comments on the Motion to Declare a Climate Emergency in Toronto10/2019 - October 2019. City of Toronto. The city’s declaration of a climate emergency will acknowledge the scale of the problem for…