Toronto just approved a host of climate-related policies. We asked experts how they stack up8/2021 - TORONTO STAR - “Toronto is such a significant part of Ontario, and of Canada, that if we fall behind on climate, it puts at risk provincial and national targets toward net zero (carbon). It also risks Toronto being left behind in the 21st-century economy,” says TAF VP Bryan Purcell.
TAF congratulates the City of Toronto on passing two landmark low-carbon building policies7/2021 - Toronto City Council approved the Toronto Green Standard Version 4 to regulate new building performance and the Net Zero Existing Building Strategy to accelerate building retrofits, putting the City on a solid path to a net zero future.
Fiddling while Toronto burns7/2021 - SPACING TORONTO - It may be time for the province and the Ontario Energy Board to completely overhaul the traditional approach to natural gas consumption by promulgating conservation policies that provide building owners and homeowners with financial incentives to get off gas entirely instead of simply moving to high efficiency gas furnaces.
All new Toronto buildings could soon face tighter greenhouse gas emissions targets7/2021 - CBC - "With a rapidly growing city, there is simply no path to net zero that doesn't require a transition to near-zero new construction," Bryan Purcell, TAF VP, told the city's Planning and Housing Committee. "The Toronto Green Standard is by far Toronto's most important climate policy."
Toronto’s New Buildings Could Soon be Required to Go Greener7/2021 - STOREYS - Update to the Toronto Green Standard would require that all new mid-high rise buildings produce fewer carbon emissions and consume less energy. The update would take effect May 2022 and require a 25% drop in annual greenhouse gases and a 28% cut in energy use intensity.
Submission on IESO Gas Phase-Out Impact Assessment6/2021 - June 2021. Government of Ontario. As part of a formal stakeholder consultation process on the phaseout of gas-fired electricity, TAF…
Comments on proposed Halton Hills Green Development Standard6/2021 - June 2021. Town of Halton Hills. TAF strongly supports the adoption of the Halton Hills Green Standards which will put…
Submission on Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act (Bill 276)5/2021 - May 2021. Government of Ontario. TAF submitted this letter to Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) responding to Bill 276 which…
ZEV industry urges there’s no time to idle on the Clean Fuel Standard4/2021 - The Clean Fuel Standard is now under review by the federal government and advocates are concerned about potential delays or further changes to the policy following other concessions.
Support letter for City of Toronto motion to phase out gas-fired electricity generation2/2021 - February 2021. City of Toronto. TAF submitted this letter of support in response to Toronto City Councillor McKelvie’s motion “Calling…
What does Canada’s new $15 billion plan mean for urban climate action?12/2020 - Canada’s new climate plan is historic because it is the first to follow the science and chart a clear path to the 2030 target.
The uncomfortable path to climate action scale-up10/2020 - With less than a decade left to stem the worst global climate impacts, we need to think critically about getting proven climate actions to scale...