Joint Submission Federal Building Energy Efficiency Policy 20161/2016 - August 2016. Government of Canada. Requesting “a bold national action plan for energy efficient buildings”, the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance,…
Twelve Lessons on Excellence in Advancing Policy Reform1/2015 - January 2015. This brief presents twelve key lessons TAF has learned from past policy advocacy and grant-making experiences. We hope…
Building Value Federal Energy Efficiency Policy Options1/2015 - January 2015. Government of Canada. TAF’s Building Value initiative facilitated the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the area…
Low-Carbon Policy Priorities1/2015 - March 2015. This TAF report identifies best practices in low-carbon policy advocacy as well as a selection of high impact…
Natural Gas Efficiency Programs: Measuring Performance2/2014 - February 2014. Government of Ontario. Originally set up in 2011, the Ontario Energy Board’s natural gas demand-side management efforts try…
Natural Gas Efficiency Programs: Making Conservation Profitable for Utilities2/2014 - February 2014. Government of Ontario. Under directions from the Ontario government, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) established a new demand-side…
Energy Reporting Requirement – An Introduction1/2014 - January 2014. City of Toronto. An Energy Reporting Requirement (ERR) is a policy that requires the owners and/or managers of…
Backgrounder TGS Energy Standards1/2013 - January 2013. City of Toronto. The Toronto Green Standard (TGS) was created as a voluntary standard in 2006 and made…