We thrive in better buildings – how a new bylaw could transform retrofits in the GTHA1/2025 - The City of Toronto is introducing Building Emissions Performance Standards (BEPS) to tackle building-related carbon emissions.
2025 Budget Recommendations for the Government of Ontario1/2025 - January 2025. Government of Ontario. TAF made the following recommendations for the 2025 budget. Recommendation 1: Expand the Electric Vehicle…
Comments and recommendations on the role of natural gas in Ontario’s energy system and economy1/2025 - January 2025. Government of Ontario. TAF made the following comments for the consultation on the role of natural gas in…
TAF congratulates Province of Ontario for committing to invest $10.9 billion in electricity conservation and demand-side management1/2025 - Aakash Harpalani, Director of Clean Energy, comments on Ontario’s 2025-2028 Incentives Framework.
Getting the facts straight on green development standards12/2024 - In the wake of a legal threat to the Toronto Green Standard, Evan Wiseman addresses several common misconceptions about the policy.
Statement from The Atmospheric Fund on Canada’s Clean Electricity Regulations12/2024 - Bryan Purcell, VP Policy and Programs reacts to the federal Clean Electricity Regulation announcement.
How Ontario’s new energy plans can tackle surging electricity emissions11/2024 - Laura McLoskey, Climate Policy Coordinator, weighs in on various stakeholder consultations about Ontario's energy future.
Extreme heat bylaws: Perspectives from our retrofit services manager10/2024 - Our latest retrofit diary from Kaitlin Carroll, Retrofit Services Manager, offers practical considerations and explores how thoughtful planning can ensure extreme heat bylaws benefit both building owners and tenants.
How Cities Can Reward Green Development8/2024 - August 2024. City of Toronto. Dozens of municipalities in Ontario have green development standards in place to reduce carbon emissions…
2025 Pre-Budget Recommendations for the Government of Canada8/2024 - August 2024. Government of Canada. TAF made the following recommendations for the 2025 federal pre-budget consultation: Recommendation 1: Invest $1…
Building Performance Standards10/2023 - October 2023. Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Existing building performance standards (BPS) are a key policy tool used to improve…
Housing Accelerator Fund – Ideas and Resources for Municipalities6/2023 - Ideas and resources for municipalities to integrate low carbon strategies into affordable housing The Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) is a $4 billion…