Toronto Star: Toronto’s climate emissions down 44% from 1990 levels7/2019 - A new report by city staff shows Toronto has surpassed the 2020 goal of a 30 per cent reduction.
Toronto Star: Eliminating fuel efficiency standards would be an uber mistake for Toronto City Council7/2019 - Opinion piece from our VP of policy and programs, Bryan Purcell.
Governments are finally calling climate change what it is: an emergency7/2019 - Since I learned about climate change years ago, I understood it as an urgent issue. Now more than ever, people around the world share that same sentiment.
No-cost carbon reductions7/2019 - Everyone wants to get something for nothing. With a retrofit, you can.
CBC: TAF receives $5.75 M from the Government of Canada to help scale up deep energy retrofits7/2019 - TAF receives $5.75 M from the Government of Canada to help scale up deep energy retrofits by demonstrating their financial, environmental and social benefits.
Why a ‘marginal’ source is central to climate change7/2019 - To properly capture the real impact of our actions, when quantifying electricity-related emissions, different factors should be used depending on the purpose of the analysis.
National Observer: Canada’s first climate centre will be in Toronto7/2019 - Article from National Observer on a $40 million endowment the Government of Canada provided to TAF
TAF receives $40 million for GTHA climate solutions6/2019 - Climate action received a large helping hand today, as the Government of Canada announced a $40 million contribution to TAF to support low-carbon solutions in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.
80×50 E-News: June 20196/2019 - Our June newsletter: new research on indoor environmental quality, upcoming webinar on electricy emissions factors, and more
Why is Toronto considering eliminating fuel efficiency standards instead of strengthening them?6/2019 - The City of Toronto is considering eliminating important fuel efficiency standards for the vehicle-for-hire industry.
Groundbreaking research shows how retrofits can improve the indoor environment6/2019 - TAF recently completed a comprehensive study linking energy efficiency retrofits to improved indoor environmental quality.