Fiddling while Toronto burns7/2021 - SPACING TORONTO - It may be time for the province and the Ontario Energy Board to completely overhaul the traditional approach to natural gas consumption by promulgating conservation policies that provide building owners and homeowners with financial incentives to get off gas entirely instead of simply moving to high efficiency gas furnaces.
All new Toronto buildings could soon face tighter greenhouse gas emissions targets7/2021 - CBC - "With a rapidly growing city, there is simply no path to net zero that doesn't require a transition to near-zero new construction," Bryan Purcell, TAF VP, told the city's Planning and Housing Committee. "The Toronto Green Standard is by far Toronto's most important climate policy."
Toronto’s New Buildings Could Soon be Required to Go Greener7/2021 - STOREYS - Update to the Toronto Green Standard would require that all new mid-high rise buildings produce fewer carbon emissions and consume less energy. The update would take effect May 2022 and require a 25% drop in annual greenhouse gases and a 28% cut in energy use intensity.
Canadians need real incentives to fuel-switch away from natural gas if we hope to achieve our climate goals6/2021 - THE GLOBE AND MAIL - Fuel switching isn’t simply about improving energy efficiency – it’s about getting off gas. For Canada to reach climate goals, we need a phase out of gas-fired electricity, greener building standards, and targeted rebates for heat pumps in retrofits and new construction.
TAF News: June 20216/2021 - Say YES to greener new buildings in your community, deep retrofit diary, and we are hiring
Deep Retrofit Diary: A New Kind of Project Delivery6/2021 - There’s one basic concept that is completely changing the way we do retrofits at TAF. Integrated Project Delivery integrates people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents and insights of all participants.
TAF News: May 20215/2021 - Four reasons you’re about to see more EVs in the GTHA, and how did a weird 2020 impact transportation emissions
Four reasons you’re about to see more EVs in the GTHA5/2021 - Big automakers and splashy government spending are grabbing headlines, but there are some pioneering problem-solvers in the EV world that are tackling the challenges ahead to electrify everything. TAF is funding four climate leaders across the GTHA to take on specific roadblocks to decarbonizing our transportation systems.
New strategies for navigating the net zero river delta5/2021 - Searching for the path to net zero is a bit like trying to navigate the multiple strands of a rich and vibrant river delta. Based on a recent grant-funding project, TAF reflects on three insights to consider in this diverse and complex path.
TAF News: April 20214/2021 - ZEV industry perspective on Clean Fuel Standards, fresh opportunities for funding and job openings
TAF News: March 20214/2021 - Toronto passes gas phase out motion, LC3 career opportunity, and webinar on GTHA's carbon emission data