How this small Ontario city is leading on public EV charging6/2022 - Perhaps surprisingly, Burlington, Ontario has more charging stations per capita than any other city in the GTHA, with over 30 public stations per 50,000 people. I interviewed Lynn Robichaud, Manager of Environmental Sustainability at the City of Burlington, about what it takes to lead on EV charging installation and management.
Methane Emissions Far Exceed Reported Levels as Ontario Plans Gas Ramp-Up5/2022 - THE ENERGY MIX - Almost none of the methane leakage that happens during extraction and transmission is counted in our inventories or any other reporting.
TAF News: May 20225/2022 - New report: Fugitive methane emissions in Ontario is double the reported rate
Fugitive methane emissions in Ontario are double the reported rate5/2022 - There is growing consensus that ‘fugitive methane’ (gas leakage that occurs during the extraction and transmission of fossil fuels) is drastically underestimated -- but by how much? A new TAF report provides updated guidelines to account for the full life cycle emissions of natural gas, badly needed as we face crucial infrastructure decisions in Ontario.
For 2 years, climate resources shifted in COVID-19. Now, cities like Hamilton look to get on track4/2022 - CBC HAMILTON - In Hamilton, groups like EH and Hamilton 350 say that over the past two years, the city has fallen behind on its plans to combat climate change — and it's time to get on track
Ontario Election 2022: Key climate action priorities4/2022 - Ontario election is just 6 weeks away - ample time to influence the parties’ climate action platforms. Get tools and inspiration on what to ask the candidates.
Clean Electricity Standard to set the stage for Canada’s energy transition4/2022 - The federal government is now consulting on its Clean Electricity Standard to help Canada reach a net-zero electricity grid by 2035. With Ontario’s electricity emissions forecast to triple in the next decade, this is an important opportunity to provide feedback.
Forty-two electric vehicle charging stations to be built across Durham using federal funds4/2022 - DURHAM RADIO NEWS - Durham Region will be partnering with TAF to promote EV charging. TAF will be offering rebates of up to 50 per cent for municipalities, parking authorities, non-profits, residential buildings and other groups to construct new charging stations.
Budget 2022 – urban climate action highlights4/2022 - The 2022 budget includes funding and investment dollars for key urban climate solutions to help drive down emissions by 2030 and beyond. As always, their impact will depend on effective roll-out, which cities, local utilities and businesses, home and building owners, citizens and organizations like TAF are eager to provide.
If you rely only on public chargers, it’s tough to own an EV3/2022 - THE GLOBE AND MAIL - TAF has recently received $2-million from Natural Resources Canada to install about 300 chargers, and expects a big chunk of that will go toward installing chargers on residential streets as well as near multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs).