Building Value Federal Energy Efficiency Policy Options1/2015 - January 2015. Government of Canada. TAF’s Building Value initiative facilitated the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the area…
ESPA Brochure1/2015 - January 2015. To make it easier for building operators to access capital for energy efficiency retrofits, TAF created an innovative,…
Dunsky Report Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Financing Opportunities 20145/2014 - May 2014. Canada’s commercial building sector holds a vast and largely untapped potential for improving energy efficiency. To identify innovative,…
Natural Gas Efficiency Programs: Measuring Performance2/2014 - February 2014. Government of Ontario. Originally set up in 2011, the Ontario Energy Board’s natural gas demand-side management efforts try…
Natural Gas Efficiency Programs: Making Conservation Profitable for Utilities2/2014 - February 2014. Government of Ontario. Under directions from the Ontario government, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) established a new demand-side…
Backgrounder TGS Energy Standards1/2013 - January 2013. City of Toronto. The Toronto Green Standard (TGS) was created as a voluntary standard in 2006 and made…
Toronto Green Standard: Cost-Benefit Analysis11/2012 - November 2012. City of Toronto. Funded by TAF, Sustainable Buildings Canada examined the costs and benefits associated with strengthening the…
Energy Retrofit Opportunities for Multi‐Unit Residential Buildings in Toronto2/2012 - February 2012. University of Toronto Report Toronto MURB Retrofit Opportunities.
Multi-Unit Residential Buildings Energy Performance in the GTA2/2012 - February 2012. Greater Toronto Area.
Energy Consumption Trends of Multi-Unit Residential Buildings in Toronto2/2012 - February 2012. City of Toronto. Over half of the residential buildings in the City of Toronto are apartment buildings. This…
Toronto Green Standard: Development of Energy Efficiency Requirements2/2012 - February 2012. City of Toronto. With TAF’s help, the City of Toronto developed the Toronto Green Standard for new construction.…
TowerWise Case Study 849 Broadview2/2011 - February 2011. As with any retrofit, the key to success was in the planning. This 894 Broadview Avenue case study…