Business Case Assessment Tool (BCAT) for Heat Pumps3/2018 - March 2018. Switching from electrical heating to heat pumps can help building owners save significantly on heating costs. To pique…
TAF comments on IESO Draft Scoping Assessment for Toronto Region1/2018 - January 2018. City of Toronto. The IESO provided the opportunity to respond to their Draft Scoping Assessment and Integrated Regional…
TAF & BEIC Response to Green Button Regulatory Proposal1/2018 - January 2018. Government of Ontario. In collaboration with BEIC, TAF provided feedback to the provincial government related to the implementation…
Media Backgrounder TowerWise Energy Retrofit Program12/2017 - December 2017. Multi-residential buildings represent the backbone of the housing stock in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). That’s…
Money on the table: Why investors miss out on the energy efficiency market12/2017 - November 2017. Energy efficiency retrofits are profitable, yet investment levels are low in Canada. Energy efficiency improvements in buildings represent…
Getting More Bang for Ontario’s Energy Efficiency Bucks8/2017 - August 2017. Government of Ontario. This brief presents the Minister of Finance with recommendations for how the Ontario Government can achieve…
TransformTO Report 2 Highlights6/2017 - June 2017. These are the highlights of the “2050 Pathway to a Low-Carbon Toronto” City of Toronto staff report #2.”…
Social Venture Development: Insights from the Incubation of Efficiency Capital Corporation6/2017 - June 2017. In 2015, The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) incubated Efficiency Capital Corporation (ECC), a for-profit energy efficiency financing company over…
Retrofit Case Studies Energy, Health, and Comfort Transformations in Multi-Unit Buildings2/2017 - February 2017. In the most recent phase of the TowerWise program, TAF coordinated energy efficiency retrofits across seven Toronto Community…
BEE-Cal Policy Calculator1/2017 - May 2017. The Building Energy Efficiency Policy Calculator (BEE-Cal for short) is an Excel-based tool that estimates the energy reductions,…
BEE-Cal Methodology1/2017 - May 2017. The Building Energy Efficiency Policy Calculator (BEE-Cal) is an Excel-based tool to estimate and compare the energy savings,…
TAF Guide Energy Efficiency Financing Tools1/2017 - March 2017. Financing tools that help building operators overcome the upfront cost retrofits are critical to help accelerate energy efficiency…