Keeping Track: Carbon Emissions Inventory (July 2018)9/2018 - September 2018. Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. TAF compiled the first comprehensive carbon emissions inventory for the GTHA Despite local differences,…
BEE-Cal Policy Calculator1/2017 - May 2017. The Building Energy Efficiency Policy Calculator (BEE-Cal for short) is an Excel-based tool that estimates the energy reductions,…
BEE-Cal Methodology1/2017 - May 2017. The Building Energy Efficiency Policy Calculator (BEE-Cal) is an Excel-based tool to estimate and compare the energy savings,…
BEE-Cal Manual1/2017 - May 2017. The Building Energy Efficiency Policy Calculator (or BEE-Cal for short) is an Excel-based tool that estimates the energy…
Energy Benchmarking, Reporting & Disclosure in Canada: A Guide to a Common Framework4/2016 - April 2016. Government of Canada. With funding from TAF, the Canada Green Building Council created this national energy reporting and benchmarking…