Population (2017)
1,413,639Population density
1,134 people per square kilometre2015 carbon emissions
10.7 megatonnes2016 carbon emissions
10.4 megatonnes2017 carbon emissions
10.6 megatonnesTransportation emissions rose in Peel
Peel is an above-average per capita emitter in the GTHA, with 7.5 tCO2eq per capita compared to the GTHA average of 6.9 tCO2eq.
Transportation emissions, as a percentage of Peel’s emissions, overall and per capita, have climbed from 2015 to 2017. Alongside York, Peel’s per capita transportation emissions are the highest in the GTHA at 2.8 tCO2eq.
Although the rise of transportation emissions is the most notable result in Peel, buildings are still the most significant emitter in the region as is the case in many other parts of the GHTA.

Peel’s Pathway to Carbon Neutrality
Peel has higher per capita emissions from transportation than Hamilton does, even though the population densities of these regions are similar. The growing density of Brampton, Caledon, and Mississauga presents great opportunities for investing in public transit both within the region’s municipalities, and between them.
In October 2019, Peel adopted a master plan to address climate change which seeks to integrate climate into regional decision making.
Get in touch with us to discuss these results and how we arrived at them.
Climate Policies
With the help of a 2017 grant from TAF, Peel is reducing transportation emissions from delivery vehicles. By working with businesses to shift deliveries from peak hours to off-peak hours throughout the region, emissions are reduced, and air quality and commuter’s quality of life is improved by less congestion on major roadways at peak times while maintaining a high quality level of on-time delivery service.
Solutions like the off-peak delivery pilot don’t require new technology, just new approaches, partnerships and priorities that leverage the multiple benefits of emissions-reducing behaviours. And, the great success of projects like this pilot can lead to similar solutions being applied in other parts of the GHTA.
Read more about TAF grants and policy development.