Dan Leckie Forum, 2023
Existing buildings are the next frontier of climate policy
Leading cities across North America are establishing energy and carbon standards for existing buildings. Let’s bring them to the GTHA.
RSVPA collaborative event to share expertise
Let’s share the ingredients for impact.
TAF is curating an invite-only event to hear from experts and discuss the challenges and opportunities for design and implementation of existing building performance standards.
Together we’ll generate the connections, knowledge, and community understanding to advance this high-impact policy.

The Event
October 10, 2023
Municipalities in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area are poised to adopt and deploy proven existing building performance standards. This event convenes municipal staff and councillors, industry and community stakeholders.
150 King St West, 27th floor, Toronto
1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Networking reception to follow
Areas of Focus
1 | Policy Design |
2 | Affordability and Equity |
3 | Industry Readiness |
4 | Legal Authorities |

Hear from the experts
Policy Innovators
Get the current landscape from across North America. You’ll get first-hand experience from our panelists:

Sean Pander, City of Vancouver

Rae-Anne Miller, City of Toronto

Marshall Duer-Balkind, Institute for Market Transformation

Krystal-Anne Roussel, Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)

The Dan Leckie Forum is a recurring engagement event. TAF brings together stakeholders of varied backgrounds to strategize about key policies and projects to reduce urban carbon emissions or address air pollution.
Dan Leckie, who served as a City of Toronto Councillor and Founder and Chair of TAF, devoted his life to building an inclusive and healthy world, and favoured participatory approaches to bringing about change.
After Dan’s death, a trust fund was set up in his honour to present the Dan Leckie Forum.