Cities Need Clean Electricity Regs to Boost ‘Clean Grid Advantage’, TAF Says3/2024 - THE ENERGY MIX - Climate Policy Senior Manager Evan Wiseman weighs in on the latest Clean Electricity Regulations draft and explains a strong CER supports municipalities' ability to achieve climate goals.
Low-Emitting, ‘Lego-Style’ Homebuilder Nabs $1.25M Investment from TAF3/2024 - THE ENERGY MIX - Mitchell Beer interviews TAF Vice President of Impact Investing Kristian Knibutat about investment in Assembly Corp. to scale high-performance, affordable new construction.
Liberals’ draft Clean Electricity Regulations won’t get sector to net zero by 2035, experts say3/2024 - THE POINTER - TAF's Aakash Harpalani comments on importance of clean electricity regulations to limit fossil fuel generation and ensure reliability of the overall grid.
Big Budget Gap Has Toronto Falling Short on 2040 Climate Targets2/2024 - THE ENERGY MIX - Vice President of Policy and Programs Bryan Purcell's blog about Toronto climate priorities every mayoral candidate should get behind is referenced in relation to getting the city back in line with TransformTO targets.
PCs to extend life of Pickering nuclear plant; still heavily tied to natural gas2/2024 - THE POINTER - Director of Clean Energy Aakash Harpalani comments on continuing reliance on fossil gas and incentivizing provinces to decarbonize their energy systems with clean electricity regulations.
Ontario switches gears, plans to increase renewable energy production by 2035; transition still too slow1/2024 - THE POINTER - Vice President of Policy and Programs Bryan Purcell remarks renewable energy is one of the most cost-effective and cleanest ways to meet growing energy demands in the province.
Ontario municipalities’ veto powers granted by Ford are complicating efforts to avert electricity shortages1/2024 - THE GLOBE AND MAIL - Director of Clean Energy Aakash Harpalani comments on municipal participation in approving energy projects.
CBC RADIO ONE – Metro Morning Interview11/2023 - CBC RADIO ONE - Metro Morning's David Common interview's CEO Julia Langer about COP28 and the GTHA carbon emissions inventory.
Carbon emissions in Greater Toronto/Hamilton increased 8% in 202211/2023 - HPAC MAGAZINE - An overview of the Carbon Emissions Inventory results and recommendations from CEO Julia Langer on rapidly scaling low-carbon solutions to address rising emissions.
Pandemic lessons could have slowed changes in Earth’s atmospheric systems; global emissions on the rise11/2023 - THE POINTER - Global and local Peel Region perspectives on carbon reduction, with interviews with Julia Langer and Bryan Purcell.
Hamilton’s per-person carbon emissions are double other regions in the GTHA11/2023 - GLOBAL NEWS - Interview with Ekaterina Tzekova on Hamilton's increasing carbon emissions and strategies for decarbonization.
GTHA Emissions Rise 8%, Gas Plant Pollution Up 56% in Two Years, Despite Clean, Affordable Alternatives11/2023 - THE ENERGY MIX - Mitchell Beer interviews Julia Langer and Bryan Purcell about GTHA emissions increase and where to find hope in the wins.