TAF Newsletter: January 20231/2023 - Budget processes are underway at all levels of government, and now’s your chance to participate and encourage vibrant, low-carbon communities. We’ll share analysis over the coming weeks, starting with a blog on the federal budget.
As Canada’s first electric car manufacturing plant opens municipalities need to ramp up accommodation of green vehicles12/2022 - THE POINTER - Many think Canada's federal & provincial governments hold all of the power levers to accelerate ZEV adoption. But what’s often overlooked is that municipalities who are closest to the people have a variety of tools at their disposal says TAF Director Ian Klesmer
TAF News: December 202212/2022 - What’s next for GTHA cities to meet net-zero? Don't miss the inventory briefing & policy discussion
More green construction, less gravel mining: Ford walks back some environmental changes in Ontario housing bill12/2022 - THE NARWHAL - Ontario has made a new promise to develop a voluntary provincial-wide green building standard, but hasn’t provided details.
Media Advisory: The Atmospheric Fund is available to comment on Bill-23 11/2022 - Ontario today rejected amendments to Bill 23, that would have protected municipal green development standards.
GTHA carbon emissions on track to return to pre-pandemic levels, report warns11/2022 - CBC NEWS - Carbon Emissions Inventory for the GTHA found there has been little progress made in the GTHA since 2015. An eight per cent year-over-year decrease is necessary to hit most cities' 2030 emission targets. It is challenging, but it is possible.
Report shows GTHA carbon emissions rising — but data points to shift to lower-carbon lifestyles11/2022 - TORONTO STAR - The rebound in emissions in 2021 was substantially smaller than the pandemic-induced drop in 2020.
Local Green Building Laws at Risk as Ontario Fast-Tracks New Housing Bill11/2022 - THE ENERGY MIX - Municipal climate and energy leaders in Ontario are scrambling to protect energy-efficient building standards that may be at risk in the provincial government’s rush to push through its More Homes Built Faster Act, Bill 23.
Addressing climate change through advocacy, policy and planning11/2022 - CANADIAN ARCHITECT - The symbiotic relationship between municipalities, advocacy groups, and the real estate development community is a complex ecosystem critical for the design community to understand when addressing climate change through advocacy, policy and planning.
Doug Ford’s new housing bill guts green building law he voted for as Toronto councillor, say critics11/2022 - TORONTO STAR - "The Building More Homes Faster Act includes clauses that will inadvertently make future homes more unaffordable and less efficient for Ontarians," says Bryan Purcell.
Ontario gambling that feds will allow new gas plants despite net-zero targets10/2022 - POLITICS TODAY - The upcoming Clean Electricity Standard would make the business case for new gas plants impossible in Ontario.