Ontario’s carbon emissions rose only slightly in 2021 and pandemic-driven shifts could be why4/2023 - "Climate action really is going to create a lot of benefits, and it's important to make sure that the government follows through," said Ekaterina Tzekova, director of research and innovation for The Atmospheric Fund
Could offshore wind in the Great Lakes provide the cheap, clean power Ontario needs?4/2023 - Offshore wind farms in the Great Lakes could provide enough carbon-free energy to meet all of Ontario’s growing demand at nearly half the cost of new nuclear reactors. There’s just one problem: Ontario declared a moratorium on offshore wind projects in 2011.
Toronto Parking Authority begins operating its own EV charging network4/2023 - Eight chargers in a single lot mark the start of a plan that will see the TPA — the largest parking operator of its kind in North America — install over 300 off-street and 100 on-street chargers by the end of 2023.
Bus Rapid Transit could combat rising emissions and increase well-being in Brampton4/2023 - The key to achieving our 2030 climate targets is investing in public transportation.
Could offshore wind in the Great Lakes provide the cheap, clean power Ontario needs?4/2023 - All clean energy options should be on the table in order to affordably meet Ontario's growing electricity needs. That means lifting the moratorium on offshore wind.
TAF Newsletter: April 20234/2023 - This edition includes our latest retrofit case study, a call to protect strong EV sales targets in Canada, federal budget insights, and a new job opening at TAF.
TAF Newsletter: March 20234/2023 - This edition includes all the reasons why the proposed ZEV mandate needs your support, a new heat pump case study, and possibly your dream career.
TAF Newsletter: February 20232/2023 - This edition includes a blog on what communities can learn from Brampton and Windsor’s different decisions on gas expansion, announcements of federal funding, and three career opportunities
TAF Newsletter: January 20231/2023 - Budget processes are underway at all levels of government, and now’s your chance to participate and encourage vibrant, low-carbon communities. We’ll share analysis over the coming weeks, starting with a blog on the federal budget.
As Canada’s first electric car manufacturing plant opens municipalities need to ramp up accommodation of green vehicles12/2022 - THE POINTER - Many think Canada's federal & provincial governments hold all of the power levers to accelerate ZEV adoption. But what’s often overlooked is that municipalities who are closest to the people have a variety of tools at their disposal says TAF Director Ian Klesmer
TAF News: December 202212/2022 - What’s next for GTHA cities to meet net-zero? Don't miss the inventory briefing & policy discussion
More green construction, less gravel mining: Ford walks back some environmental changes in Ontario housing bill12/2022 - THE NARWHAL - Ontario has made a new promise to develop a voluntary provincial-wide green building standard, but hasn’t provided details.