Truck News: Peel Region begins Off-Peak Delivery pilot7/2018 - The Region of Peel launches the TAF-funded Off-Peak Delivery pilot project with major retailers such as LCBO and Loblaw. Shifting deliveries to off-peak hours can help optimize highways and major road networks within Peel and the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area. This approach could significantly reduce truck-related emissions and improve air quality in the region.
Peel Region launches Off-Peak Delivery Pilot7/2018 - TAF, alongside with Metrolinx, will invest in an off-peak delivery pilot in Peel Region that's designed to alleviate congestion, improve business operations, and reduce carbon emissions. Major retailers such as Loblaw will participate in this Peel Region-led project.
The Hill Times: The U.S. is leaving the Paris Agreement, Canada’s not. Why follow on weakening car emissions standards?5/2018 - While the United States plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards, Canada must stand up for strong climate actions to reduce emissions. Weaker vehicle standards will make it harder to reach our local, provincial, and national climate goals. In this op-ed published in The Hill Times, TAF CEO Julia Langer explains why.
Corporate Knights: Breaking the gas habit4/2018 - Did you know that two-thirds of the energy used to heat Canadian buildings and homes is from natural gas and propane? In this article, Bryan Purcell, our Director of Policy & Programs, discusses why a transition away from natural gas is necessary to meet our climate goals and what TAF is doing to accelerate this transition to net-zero buildings.
TAF rolls out new Low Carbon Cannabis Canada initiative4/2018 - To counter the risk of rising carbon emissions from legalized marijuana cultivation, TAF plans a joint pan-Canadian initiative with growers, provincial governments, and former police chiefs. The goal is to limit the budding industry's carbon footprint and ultimately ensure that Canadians can get high on low-emissions cannabis.
Business Insider: ecobee donates over 700 thermostats to Toronto Community Housing to improve sustainability and resident comfort1/2018 - TAF teamed up with ecobee on the TowerWise program to improve resident comfort, reduce emissions, and identify best practices in retrofits across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area. The newly installed smart thermostats make intelligent heating and cooling decisions to reduce energy waste and offer real-time insights to identify other opportunities for future improvements.
Ontario Construction Report: Next phase of TowerWise features $9 million energy efficiency models12/2017 - Following the announcement of the new $9-million phase, Ontario Construction Report profiled TAF’s trailblazing TowerWise retrofit program, with new energy and emission targets that align closely with TransformTO.
The Energy Mix: TAF Aims for Deeper Carbon Cuts in Multi-Residential Buildings12/2017 - TAF Low Carbon Buildings Manager Ekaterina Tzekova emphasizes how deep energy retrofits in the new TowerWise phase will result in economic, environmental, and social benefits.
Next phase of TowerWise program set to show path to deep building energy efficiency12/2017 - TAF is launching the next phase of its TowerWise retrofit program. It will include four demonstration sites with different building types, demographics, and ownership structures in Toronto and Hamilton, representing the broader multi-residential sector – including social housing.
CBC Here and Now: Ontario’s new ethanol plan is one step towards reducing transportation emissions12/2017 - As part of its efforts to increase fuel efficiency and lower carbon emissions from transportation, the Province of Ontario plans to double the amount of ethanol in gasoline by 2020. On CBC's Here and Now, The Atmospheric Fund CEO Julia Langer explains why this policy change could turn out to be a useful step in tackling Ontario's emissions and help achieve our TransformTO climate goals.
Toronto Star: TTC plans to buy first electric buses, targets emissions-free fleet by 204011/2017 - A report for the TTC board recommends buying 30 battery electric buses by 2019, at a cost of up to $50 million. Electrifying the city's transit fleet is a key part of the TransformTO climate plan, the article points out.